

At Rudston Primary we are fully committed to providing a history curriculum that gives children an understanding of Britain’s past and that of the wider world, which includes the study of significant people and the impact of ancient civilisations.

Through our history curriculum we aim to encourage and develop curious thinkers and learners with a self-awareness of where they come from. Through history there are opportunities for children to explore historical evidence enabling them to ask challenging questions in order to develop their perspective and judgement.

Children leave Rudston Primary School with the understanding that Liverpool plays a significant part in world history, being able to recognise changes in living memory and beyond and having developed a love and enjoyment for the subject.

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In EYFS History comes under the Early Learning Goal of Understanding the World. The children are given the opportunity to find out about past and present events in their own lives, and those of their families and other people they know.

Key Stage 1

Pupils should:

  • develop an awareness of the past, using common words and phrases relating to the passing of time.
  • know where the people and events they study fit within a chronological framework and identify similarities and differences between ways of life in different periods.
  •  use a wide vocabulary of everyday historical terms.
  • ask and answer questions, choosing and using parts of stories and other sources to show that they know and understand key features of events.
  • understand some of the ways in which we find out about the past and identify different ways in which it is represented.
Key Stage 2

Pupils should:

  • continue to develop a chronologically secure knowledge and understanding of British, local and world history, establishing clear narratives within and across the periods they study.
  • note connections, contrasts and trends over time and develop the appropriate use of historical terms.
  • regularly address and sometimes devise historically valid questions about change, cause, similarity and difference, and significance. construct informed responses that involve thoughtful selection and organisation of relevant historical information.
  • understand how our knowledge of the past is constructed from a range of sources.
