
E-Safety is a huge area that has so many implications for our youngsters. The pace of change in today’s ever-evolving digital world is sometimes overwhelming. At Rudston, we endeavour to teach our pupils the principles of keeping themselves safe online, whatever digital encounters they have. 

Below is a list of links that give parents and carers many tools to begin conversations with their children regarding E-Safety. They are there to help you help your child. 

Fantastic website which is a partnership between Childnet International, Internet Watch Foundation and South West Grid for Learning. Clear and concise. 



An organisation whose mission it is to empower teachers, school staff, parents and carers with the knowledge they need to keep children safe online.


* May require a free subscription

This website is is an education programme from the National Crime Agency’s CEOP Command. Very useful. 


The E-Safety website from one of the UK’s most well known charities. It states… “1 in 5 internet users in the UK are children. We won’t stop until every child is safe online.


Launched in May 2014 by the large, corporate partners – BT, Sky, TalkTalk and Virgin Media – Internet Matters supports parents and carers to navigate the ever-changing digital landscape. They offer advice and information to help engage in your child’s online life and manage the risks they may face online.
